"I had more freedom of when my assignments could be completed, on top of that I also had more resources to use. And I wasn't intimidated to post on the discussion board. "
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What to Expect
LAS Online extends the traditional classroom to a state-of-the-art digital learning space. Find out what you can expect from our world-class faculty and field-leading experts.
SOC 100: Introduction to Sociology
SOC 100 investigates how societies grow and change through the examination of the reciprocal effects of economic, political, community, familial, and scientific institutions on each other and on individual life changes.
ASTR 100: Introduction to Astronomy
ASTR 100 examines the nature of the sun, planets, and moons; origin of the solar system; nature and evolution of stars; exploding stars; stellar remnants, including white dwarfs, neutron stars, and black holes; extrasolar planetary systems; galaxies and quasars; dark matter and dark energy; the Big Bang and the fate of the universe; and life in the universe.
Find Online Courses
Compared to traditional, face-to-face courses, information about fully online courses is often full of misconceptions. However, the reality is that many of the myths surrounding online courses are just that - myths. To find out the truth about online courses, click on the myths below.
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Myth #3: There is no interaction with other students in an online course.
Myth #6: LAS Online instructors do not respond to students taking LAS Online courses in a timely manner, making it difficult to get to get help when it's needed.